We covers topics like Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellular, LPWAN, wired networks, cloud connectivity, big data, machine learning, Javascript, Python, Golang and more..
Jan 12, 2018 A. Gomes Bluetooth, General
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is the fastest growing wireless protocol for short-range (<100 meters), low data-rate (<10 Mbps) applications. More than 3.5 billion Bluetooth devices will ship in 2017. Bluetooth is growing at least an order of magnitude faster than...
Read MoreDec 13, 2017 A. Gomes Beacons, Bluetooth, General
While the hype surrounding Bluetooth beacons is slowly subsiding, there is still lot of confusion and misunderstanding about them. Beacons use the advertisement or broadcast mode of the Bluetooth LE protocol to send small packets of information to any device...
Read MoreNov 12, 2017 A. Gomes Bluetooth, General
The Axiomware netrunr-gapi-js JavaScript SDK offers easy-to-use libraries of classes and methods for developing Bluetooth applications. This SDK supports application development on any JavaScript platform. The most common example of a JavaScript platform is your internet browser (like Google Chrome,...
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